In the Bible, God destroys
The Wicked
wipes out worlds and cities
scatters the overly ambitious.
In the Bible, the earth opens up and
rebels, and righteousness is vindicated,
in the Bible.
But those days are long gone.
Now God leaves us to destroy
ourselves and
it’s hard
not to wonder which cities, which
countries (yes, I’m looking at YOU)
might be blighted with sulphur;
which leaders and their followers might be
swallowed up
if then was now,
if we weren’t left to our own devices
Would the world be better for it?
Would we?
It’s hard to know for sure
it’s also hard not to wish for that kind of
when all that we value
feels threatened
No, I know,
God has empowered US
(Yes, I’m looking at YOU)
I remember
that God’s gift of Guidance
is the very Book which tells these tales
of wickedness smited,
and then tells us
(Do Better!)
how to live
Solomon, in his Wisdom
says we’ve been left reminders
of their folly
their sins
their failures
so that they can never go
or be forgotten
But it seems we HAVE forgotten
Are there enough righteous
to be found
to merit whatever salvation we can manage
for ourselves?
I am counting
I am losing heart but my eyes are
for the moments of Compassion,
the slivers of Justice
If you want to be counted
Put Up Your Hand so that I can
find you
and we can grab onto one another
We must not look back.
There’s no time for regret
Now there is only what we can save
and how we can save them.
Above comments from The Torah, A Modern Commentary, Rabbi G W Plaut