About Rabbi Emma Gottlieb

"Thank you for being a formidable force both in the shul and the process of my conversion. You have an innate ability to both strength and gentleness, both discipline and kindness, all the while ensuring growth on our path toward Hashem - in other words, a true leader."

Who Am I?

I am a Canadian born Rabbi, with over 20 years of experience in Jewish education and congregational leadership. More importantly, I’m a human being, doing my best to live a life of meaning. I have spent my rabbinate sharing my journey authentically with others, helping to connect the teachings, traditions and values of Judaism to the sacred and messy moments of our lives. 
As the only female rabbi currently living and working in South Africa, and as Co-Host of the Podcast “Women Rabbis Talk”, I am passionate about Judaism, feminism, and the sacred spaces where they interconnect.
My Professional Affiliations:
  • Central Conference of American Rabbis
  • S. African Association of Progressive Rabbis
  • Women’s Rabbinic Network

Music, Prayer, Torah, Tikkun &
Sacred Writing

I access and experience Judaism most profoundly through music and prayer, through engaging in acts of repair and social justice, as well as through learning and teaching Torah, and reflecting on life and spirituality through sacred writings.
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