Make ma an ark
O God
Only please don’t make it from
I don’t want it to catch when
the world starts to burn
Make me an ark
O God
Only please don’t make it from
I don’t want it to break when
stones get thrown
Make me an ark
O God
Only please don’t make it from steel or anything else
that pollutes as it’s created
i don’t want the world destroyed
on my account
Make me an ark
O God
Out of fig leaves and vines
and Cedar of Lebanon
Make it out of friendship and love
compassion and empathy
Make it out of forgiveness and hope
and peace
Make it out of You
Make me an ark
O God
that will shelter and sustain me
through life’s storms
Not a place to hide but
a place to thrive
Make me an ark
O God
A place where I can grow
A cocoon of sorts
So that I can emerge at my best
And begin the rebuilding