Tachat Kanfei haShechinah

I have never not felt safe
wrapped in my tallis
in one of my many colored tallitot
Like being wrapped in the very wings of God
Tachat Kanfei haShechina

What better armour could I need?
I might have asked you
But today I know better
that men can be murdered while at prayer
while leading others in prayer;
while wrapped in pure white tallesim
          White pure now stained red

The synagogue is no place for blood
is no place for murder
is no place for terror

The synagogue should be a safe place
But men are killed in God’s house
Not the first time surely
Not the last

Men dying with prayers of peace on their lips?

How do I pray today?
How do I wrap myself in a tallit
and beckon others to follow?
How do I advocate for prayer in such a world?

And how can I not?

Returning to Canada, May 2025!
I am so excited to be returning to Canada to take up the role of Rabbi and Spiritual Leader at Am Shalom Congregation in Barrie, Ontario! Additionally, I will be available for lifecycle officiation and teaching opportunities throughout Ontario, and will be building toward a focus in accompanying those who are navigating end-of-life and their loved onesCloseup Photo of Person Wearing White-and-red Maple Leaf-printed Lace-up Sneakers.
If you would like to learn more about the next chapter of my career, or get in touch about a lifecycle event or teaching opportunity beginning in May 2025, please contact me here.
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